Have you set a New Year’s resolution for this year?
Among the customary rituals we often do in the month of January is setting New Year’s resolutions. Opening a new calendar on a brand-new year, we are excited about new beginnings and new possibilities. However, do you know that by the second week of February, 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions, and only 8% stick to them and accomplish their goals by the end of the year?
Why do 92% of people who make New Year’s resolutions fail?
Researchers found these common reasons:
• People tend to set unrealistic goals that are way too large;
• The goals are not backed up by concrete plans or actions; and
• There is no accountability for unmet resolutions.
What tends to happen is that we go quickly from gung-ho enthusiasm to protracted disillusion. By thinking that we can miraculously expect a completely different outcome just by wishing upon our outsized intentions, we end up feeling like a failure – that we do not have what it takes to live up to our intentions; and feeling embarrassed for having declared our resolution publicly.
A Suggested Alternative: Star Word
Here is a suggestion to try – as an alternative to resolutions that some say are ten times more effective: Choose one word that best reflects your intention for yourself, and make it your North Star to guide you throughout the year. It could be anything: friendship, hope, joy, love, and peace. Pick something that resonates deeply in your heart; something that sparks joy in you and fills you up with all wonderful feelings. Below is a small list of some possible star words to start with. Make your own list: they can be adjectives, verbs, or nouns. Feel how each makes you feel, and pick one that will be your star word.
Abundance Brightness Caring Cooperation Courage Determination Energy Enthusiasm Friendship Generosity Happiness Harmony Hope Improvement Inspiration Joy Love Marvel Patience Peace Progress Renewal Resilience Respect Sharing Smiles Strength Success Support Turn Understanding
1. Pay attention to your intention without any tension;
2. Ask yourself gently – every day – if you are living up to it; and
3. Invite someone to be your “accountability buddy” to track your progress and celebrate your success together.
Poise dancers, you will find out how good you can become in developing your self-discipline muscles; and feel the satisfaction of how far you can go in reaching success.
Try it. We will always be there to cheer you on along each journey! And we will also have fun together creating new variations (pun intended).
Next blog: Dancing with Pur-Poise.